Saturday, May 25, 2024

Federal Tax Crimes Blog Total Pageviews Hit 10 Million + and Thoughts on Comments to Blogs (5/25/24)

I just noticed in the innards of this Federal Tax Crimes Blog that the blog has had over 10 million pageviews. I went into the design features and found a “gadget” that I added to the right-hand column with the total pageviews which, as of this posting, was 10,092,710.

On Blog Comments:

The comments feature (by Disqus) for some reason unknown to me does not seem now to work for readers of this blog anymore. I don’t have the technical skills to make the nested comments feature work, so I will soon go back to the Google blogspot comments feature which will work without nesting offered by Disqus. Nesting, by the way, permits responses to particular comments rather than simply first in first out,. When I do make that change, I think that all of the prior comments will go away and be lost forever. But, on an ongoing basis, this should permit comments for those wishing to share comments with readers.

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