Tuesday, July 30, 2019

New IRS LB&I Compliance Campaigns of Interest (7/30/19)

IRS LB&I has announced six new compliance campaigns, here.

1.  The new campaign particularly relevant for readers of this blog is:
• Post OVDP Compliance
Practice Area: Withholding & International Individual Compliance
Lead Executive: John Cardone, director of Withholding & International Individual Compliance
U.S. persons are subject to tax on worldwide income. This campaign addresses tax noncompliance related to former Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP) taxpayers’ failure to remain compliant with their foreign income and asset reporting requirements. The IRS will address tax noncompliance through soft letters and examinations.
JAT Comment:  Readers will recall that the OVDP had several iterations and, with the expansion of the Streamlined alternatives for nonwillful actors, OVDP itself was targeted to willful actors or persons at risk of the IRS treating them as willful actors.  So, those persons who took advantage of OVDP and took care of past issues presumably were back in the system with respect to their foreign income and asset reporting.  But, presumably, the IRS has some reason to believe that those OVDP participants may not  have stayed in compliance after closing out their OVDP participations.

2.  Another campaign of possible interest to readers is:
• ExpatriationPractice Area: Withholding & International Individual Compliance
Lead Executive: John Cardone, director of Withholding & International Individual Compliance 
U.S. citizens and long-term residents (lawful permanent residents in eight out of the last 15 taxable years) who expatriated on or after June 17, 2008, may not have met their filing requirements or tax obligations. The Internal Revenue Service will address noncompliance through a variety of treatment streams, including outreach, soft letters, and examination.

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