I post here links to earlier posts on my Federal Tax Procedure Blog about the IRS’s Voluntary Disclosure Practice (“VDP”). ABA Tax Section Comments on VDP Disclosure Form 14457, Voluntary Disclosure Practice Preclearance and Application (1/5/25), here; and IRS Voluntary Disclosure Practice (VDP) Requires Taxpayer Admit Criminal Willfulness (11/29/24; 1/5/25), here.
Also, I have just recently learned that, in the National Taxpayer Advocate’s Annual Report to Congress 2024, here, the NTA discusses two of 10 Most Serious Problems Encountered by Taxpayers that relate to tax administration of the type addressed in this blog (Federal Tax Crimes) and the companion blog (Federal Tax Procedure). Items 9 and 10 are, respectively:
9. Civil Penalty Administration (pdf 16 pages), here; and
10. Criminal Voluntary Disclosure (pdf 17 pages), here.
The most relevant to the initial item in this blog is the Criminal Voluntary Disclosure which I generally refer to as the IRS Voluntary Disclosure Practice (“VDP”). From the discussion of both items, I gather that the practitioner community has major concerns with IRS administration, that the NTA has listened to those concerns (calling the community “external stakeholders”), and that, in large part, the NTA has adopted those concerns.
Although it probably does not matter what I believe, I will state my belief anyway: