
Monday, August 20, 2018

Hardship Fund for Swiss Bankers Affected by U.S. Swiss Bank Initiative (8/20/18)

Finews reports that "Several Swiss bank staff advocacy groups launched a «hardship fund» to help employees finding themselves in dire financial straits."  Claude Baumann, Financial Aid for Swiss Bankers ( 8/16/18), here. 

The fund will exist until all Swiss bank still on the hook with U.S. prosecutors have settled their respective criminal investigations: those include Basler Kantonalbank, Liechtensteinische Landesbank's Swiss arm which is being wound down, as well as privately-held Pictet and Rahn and Bodmer. 
The situation around HSBC's Swiss bank as well as Israeli firms Hapoalim and Mizrahi remains unclear. All «hardship cases» were accepted, Wyder said; the lobby has committed to supporting personal difficulties, not legal expenses.  
Personal Data Shipped 
Any current or former Swiss banking employees who have had their data sent to the U.S. as a result of a 2012 government decision to do so or the 2013 settlement can apply for emergency funding. Applicants who can show financial, personal, or familial hardship as a result of their names being handed over to U.S. officials are likely to get financial aid.
The funding isn't lavish: payments are capped at 10,000 Swiss francs ($10,300), but in cases of exceptional hardship, bankers can submit a second application. 
JAT Comment:  I don't know whether the fund accepts donations from U.S. taxpayers who feel empathy for the Swiss Bankers.  I doubt, though, that a U.S. income tax deduction will be available for contributions.

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