
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Article for Canadians with Unreported Canadian Retirement Plans and Accounts (2/6/13)

Hale Sheppard has a new article that should be of interest to Canadians.  The article is introduced on  his firm's Blog,  IRS Introduces Two Unique Remedies for U.S. Persons with Unreported Canadian Retirement Plans and Accounts, here.  The article can be linked to in that blog entry or can be linked here.  The summary of the article is:
Life isn’t fair.  Neither is the IRS’s most recent settlement initiative designed to entice taxpayers to proactively resolve their international tax non-compliance, such as failing to report foreign income, foreign accounts, foreign entities, etc.  In both instances, some people win and some people lose, often with little or no regard to what is equitable.  Among those basking in the benefits of favored status lately are certain Canadians, residing either in the United States or the homeland, who have neglected their tax-related obligations with Uncle Sam.  Indeed, thanks to recent modifications to the offshore voluntary disclosure program (“OVDP”) and the introduction of a special “streamline procedure” for select expatriates, many Canadians are able to resolve their tax transgressions on terms vastly superior to those applicable to the masses.  This is particularly true for persons with specific types of Canadian retirement plans.  The article, published in the most recent edition of the International Tax Journal, analyzes the unique options available to Canadians.


  1. I guess this is really important and should be known to Canadian.You did a really good job on posting this.Thanks for the shared informations.

    retirement options

  2. Agree with you and I demand a good legislative article on pension annuity rates as well. I hope, they will soon frame some good legislation over the subject area.


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