
Saturday, February 24, 2018

Congress Amends Tax Whistleblower Section, § 7623, to Clarify Broad Reading of the Award Base (2/24/18)

Earlier this month, Congress amended the mandatory minimum tax Whistleblower award program to make clear that proceeds for purposes of the award base includes non Title 26 collections for fines, forfeitures and reporting violations (such as FBAR penalties).  See § 41108 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, P.L. 115-123, here.  The change is effected by using the term "proceeds" rather than "collected proceeds and adding § 7623(c) to provide as follows.

(c) Proceeds.—For purposes of this section, the term ‘proceeds’ includes—
   (1) penalties, interest, additions to tax, and additional amounts provided under the internal revenue laws, and
   (2) any proceeds arising from laws for which the Internal Revenue Service is authorized to administer, enforce, or investigate, including—
      (A) criminal fines and civil forfeitures, and
      (B) violations of reporting requirements.

The expanded definition is both for the award base and for the minimum proceeds for § 7623(b).

I have revised my discussion of the Whistleblower Chapter, Chapter 19, in my working draft of my Federal Tax Procedure Book (pending the next publication) to incorporate these changes and attach a red-lined version of it here.  (Thanks to a reader who notified me by comment below as to an error regarding the effective date in a prior version of the working draft; I have corrected and now link the corrected version.)

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