
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Outlier Foreign Account Case Sentencing (11/3/12)

I previously blogged on the conviction of Aristotle R. Matsa (Rick Matsa) for tax crimes.  Outlier Conviction for FBAR and Many Other Tax-Related Crimes (4/21/12), here.

DOJ announced his sentencing here.

The sentencing announcement adds little to what was known before (see prior blog) except the following:

  1. The sentence is 85 months incarceration, subject to good time credit, of course.
  2. The criminal fine is $265,000.
  3. The restitution to the IRS is $388,000 and to a client is $24,069 for embezzlement.
  4. The disclosures about the foreign account and the FBAR violation are essentially the same.

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